Sunday, June 03, 2007

That's what it was all about

why do you keep him ? Why do you want an animal like that ?

He's so aggressive ! Those are the questions I get, repeatedly.

Those pictures are the answers. At 2 weeks old I picked Cisco out.
I 'reserved' him; as the litter was much desired. He was sooooo cute!
At 8 weeks we went back to pick him up. He was the nosiest little guy. It was so terrificially fun to have him at home. I was so glad to be part time. This guy was so little, that I couldn't stand to be away from him. I also have 2 other Bengals, but the female, Aniko. She's wicked. So cold hearted-well, let me show you her effort to keep the cold heart warm :

so -- anyhow - we're afraid she will hurt him..... in fact, at the point we finally left them alone together while we were away..... we came home to find him frightened nearly to death. I think we may have come home in time. Oh, the guilt. He had been with us then maybe ? 4 or 5 weeks. As he grew older, his character became something out of a cartoon. If you weren't here it almost wasn't funny. As I would explain my stories to others - I would stop midstream, think -oh, this isn't funny. Lemme'splain. Thanksgiving: I made a wonderful breast of turkey. I took it out of the oven -sat it on the top of the stove, to cool. I had to leave the house to run an errand. On Thanksgiving? Can't imagine ? Speedway, maybe? When I returned-the aluminum foil was removed and remnants of turkey are all over the floor and counter. Three cats are laying about, content, on their trypto high... if they could talk, would tell me how wonderful it was. Cisco, the bad guy. Rico and Aniko had been with me already 4 years - never such an experience. What are you thinking? I'd kill such a cat. Yeah yeah, save your threats. It was hilarious. I now do not have a turkey. And, who's fault was it? Seriously - a turkey? And, him with the knowing ways of full presentation to his guests ?
His activities are non-stop. One day I took him to the vet. I noticed he growled a bit. Nah, it wasn't a bit. It was more than I'd seen in a cat before -only what I had seen in a dog. But he was a kitten, it was manageable. We laughed, tough guy he was. Tony Soprano in a cat. A few more visits -lots of visits with him -always into something...and each time a little more agressive. I had no idea. Now he is 5 yrs old. Something serious happens -the cat food poison. I had resisted taking him to the vet now for about 2 or 3 years, for everyone's safety. Realize he is fine in the household. You can pet him, he hangs around, he's entertaining. He may growl -but he's not going to hurt you. However, I'd caution you not to pick him up - not ever the brave soul that would try, he's almost 3 feet long. Now 2 or 3 years, no vet visits -but I have to take him -he's dying. I am really going to lose him. I love him - I am so totally infatuated with him. (he hates me) At the vet is this horrible experience. He turned on me. He turned on me in such a way that it was frightening. I was covered with blood. I had to go to my own doctor-I had to be treated with a tetanus shot, an a round of Cipro. It could have been worse. He is nothing short of a mountain lion. Wow. Remember I brought him home at 8 weeks........ He did not have a Danger sign on his head. But he now has one on his vet file! I love the guy. And these pictures above are the reason. Look at that beautiful beautiful marble Bengal. I love him more every day. All those days of medicine. I did nothing but concentrate on bringing him back around and these pictures show, I got him there. His coat is shining, he's putting back on his weight. Every day I love him more..... if I could just get him to love me back. Unrequited shit. Story of my life! :-) I just found the cutest baby picture - he was worn out from running around.... ciscopelt hahahahaah monkeybars

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