Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Horse Riding?

I could go Horse Riding this week? Haven't done that in ages? Wonder how that would feel? Free? Not sure it would bring about any passionate resources, but could still be something different and worthwhile. Let's see... where do you start?
I do need to go for a walk tomorrow. I'll start with the bike path -may take my roller blades? THEN there's the fact that I need to lay around the house ugly all day. Not getting dressed, on the couch with a blanket and a pillow -if it storms, I'll do that. Otherwise, I'll get out, and get busy. It's late now, I'll get to bed early so I don't miss much.

Think the mid-life crisis is real? It's always been said that the mid-life crisis brings about unusual events... divorce, puchase of a convertible, cavorting with people half your age? But what is it really? Could it be where you find the things that interested you while younger transform? They either change, or go to a higher level? I'll have to read up on some of those philosphy's. I've just began to experience what I find is a change of mind-set. It's time to find things that I can't wait to get out of bed to do. Of course after being injured so many years, it was all I could do to get out of bed. Now that I'm functional -I have to find some things that don't really push those points. What a freakin' puzzle.
Billy Bob Thornton is on tv-I like this guy. gotta go... ha Billy Bob just said what excites him now is sitting at home on his a**. He said hotels are just about paying lots of money to sleep in a bed that is not as good as his at home! Boy, I'm there with that. I knew I liked this guy. Think I'll go in the other room and watch Bad Santa; it's been recorded for mos and I've yet to watch it. We'll see if I can get thru it before I fall asleep.

I get to stay home alone now several nights a week. The boyfriend's mom is ill -so he spends time staying the night at her house. For safety purposes, and because, well, he should. He'll regret it, if he doesn't. Hate to capitalize on it, but I like this time. Especially while on vacation, and the 5 a.m. alarm clock not waiting on me!


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