Blah, Monday.
Yesterday ELEVEN hours of homework. What a drag. I must've gotten behind at some point, I didn't realize there would be so much to do, on due date. Yuck, I hate it. It's a degree I must have, again, I hate it.
The weather isn't nice, so I'm not missing much. The sun isn't out, the weather is muggy -I could stand a good storm or two. I LOVE storms.
Today I caught up (a little) on housework, then did the dreaded 3 mos dr's appt. Not much else accomplished. I have a week off work; several things I plan to do. Need to write a list to make sure I get them done. ECheck. Yeah, that sucks, the last year of ECheck -my car is what? only three years old and I have to get a freakin' ECheck. Whatever. It's the last one. I'll do that, then order my tags... after all my b'day is next month -which is the 20th anniversary of my 21st b'day.
Sounds more attractive than turning 41.
I remember when I was, oh say, 24 - I hung out with people that were in their early 40's and man, they hung out all night long with us. I can't imagine! How on earth did they do it? I couldn't. No way I could stay out til 4 in the morning and get to work by 7. I could do it at 24 -but at 41 puhleeze! It'd take a lot of passion to do that. That might be it. The passion is not there. You know passion can get you buy on 4 hours sleep. Lack of passion requires a good 10 hours easy!!
Passion; that's a entirely different subject. My Nashville friend and I have discussed it at length. Bach when, we were passionate about so many things. Things that drive you, and keep you moving forward. So, what's different now? Do you have to find other things you are passionate about -cause life changes? I've ventured around looking for things that might bring that sort of energy. Working out-yeah, it's good. But it's a requirement. Music; sure, but nothing new draws me like it did before. It's got to be out there, and I have to find it. This is my passionate pursuit. It may require moving. Maybe it's a geographical handicap? I've done so much, been there, done that -not easily entertained... maybe I need to be where the entertainment is fresh and new? Not sure, just something I'm pondering. It's not hobbies and interests I am referring to- it's passion. There is something very different about passion. Passion was when I was in radio -and I could work 24 hours a day. I never stopped working. You know, that leads me to a subject of interest-radio would put me back there. The way radio has transformed makes it that much more interesting. You can track out of your home, with a home studio and broadcast on 24 stations across the U.S. Set down tracks, upload to the respective cities - that, does start the creative juices flowing. But how do you get the news anchor job on Fox News?? That's what I really want !! Yeah, forgot to pave that path.
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