Saturday Jul 9th
The boyfriends' b'day. Busy day at work. It was one of those days where I performed just as to what is expected of me...Then sometimes, I was in the 'don't push me around mode.' Like your threats do not make you get what you are not entitled to. That's another story. Then I came home -we did the b'day dinner. However the gifts I ordered didn't come in. We picked up his son-no card, no gift. I'm feeling for the guy. No cards or gifts from the other two adult children either. He's 55, guess you don't expect much at this date. We have a mantel full of cards. After we get home from work, I decided to do some watering when I noticed a terrible smell. I've smelled it before. Once when I was 14 yrs old, a lady was laying dead during a heat wave in my neighborhood in Memphis. It was 113 degrees average for more than 14 days. The smell was incorrigible, sickening - news alerts advised to stay indoors, because of the heat primarily -but the smell !! You could puke at a moments notice.
So, back to 2005 - I smell this, only on a smaller level. I realize, it is the kitten the boyfriend named Frizzy. The only one he named. (these are stray kittens, see pics below.) We removed the skirting, used the flashlight and there he was. Oh, our feelings of guilt. But we must remove him. We wonder, had we checked sooner? Or was he intended to die? One less stray. The boyfriend grabs the shovel, changes clothes and crawls under the house. It's up to me to get it into the bag and tie it up, after we scoop up a mouse, the others have brought home as a prize. It is just sickening. It is sad. We are carrying away one of our own, it seems. We decide to take him to the dumpster, of my former employer. It's only 3 miles. That sad moment is over.
Came home, fed the other kittens and cats. BUT ....Later in the night Knock, Knock, Knock- on the sliding glass door. The boyfriend opens the door at my vocal protest to not answer it, this is not even the front door -but the sliding glass in the family room. The crack head wants to use the phone. The boyfriend hands it to her, I take it back !! He dials the number, no answer. Now I'm on their caller id. Later the police call, she is missing now for hours. She was pretty beat up. That was disturbing. Needless to say, I'm still awake. The police said they may want to speak with us later.(because they have my number/caller id)
IF we happen to be the last ones to see her. Crack heads will shoot you or rob you. I'm mad at the boyfriend for his indiscretion. AT the same time, not surprised.
It has been a long day. Not one I'd choose to do over. Lots of events within a few short hours. AT the same time people calling to get us out of the house. Sorry we're busy, we live here! On that note I'll go to bed. Tomorrow when I wake up-it's plenty of homework, and much laundry as well. I'm off til Wednesday....ah life can be good. Broke, but good. I took the day off without pay. Priorities. School needs attention. More later... oh, one of the strays came to my lap, it's a first. The Spunky one. (if you respond to a post, it comes to my email.)
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