Sunday, May 15, 2005

The gym, the food, the lifestyle

My first day at the gym - first day on a regimented schedule.... Oprah was on Tv. We watched the whole show while on the elliptical. That was a major workout for me! Which was the basis of her show. I've been back every day, but today -and today -I walked the neighborhood for about an hour, then 2 hours of yard work. I've stuck to keeping the bad stuff out of my diet. This means chosen snacks, and planned meals. Guess what? 8 lbs. Yes, I've lost EIGHT lbs. Oprah said you could do it... just do it right. Quite motivational that day, and on the day I needed it so much. I loved walking today -at first wished I had someone to walk with, but there is something to be said for walking alone. Another thing that is very good for you is to walk in the elements. Maybe even do it on purpose! Builds character. When I worked outside all of those years, I realized the elements were my friends. The hot made me appreciate the cold and vice versa. (liked the cold better) There was so much to experience by going outside every day, no matter what the weather. On that note; Maybe that could be a good plan for those that need to experience a change in life. Let's say your in a rut, but don't really have a plan to get out of it, or are facing restrictions. Start there -go outside and walk every day -NO MATTER what the weather. That's a thought. If nothing else, it gets you off the couch and out of the house without spending money. I'd offer to walk someone's dog, but I'm not much about picked up poop!


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