Cleaning Day/Mother's Day
Sunday, Mothers'Day. Cleaning Day, for me. I have 4 days off of work. I had a week of vacation, just over a week ago-but I didn't clean like I should. It was raining. As you can see from my decided name, rain appeals to me. Which means I withdraw into self absorption. Don't really take phone calls, don't really make phone calls -I do email however. I sit around online, listening to Fox News -oh, for 12 hours at a time. Yep, that's what I do on grey days. If it's actually raining, likely I have a blanket and a pillow placing the laptop on the table near the couch. Living where I live with approximately 240 grey days per year, you can imagine the need for Spring Cleaning, and the 'suddenly unexplained weight gain.'
That brings me to cleaning day. I chose the living room. Not sure that I consciously did that, as much as it's the ONLY room in the house that is not lived in! I likely thought, altho, not out loud, -this'll be easy. (reference lazy side above.) Well it's turned into quite a job. This is the living room that represents myself living alone, or with a roommate, and all of the things I acquired and cherished dearly during that time. I am sure of that emotion, because these are the things I will not part with.
I was cleaning the Entertainment Center, as they were called then. Hence this day forward; the Media Center. I was marveling at HOW DIRTY it was. It has not been cleaned; the everything removed and replaced cleaned, since last year. My Nashville friend refers to me often as someone that likes to clean. Whoa! She should see this. Oh there ya go, see how perception works. I was under the impression, that if she said I liked it, that meant she thought I was good at it. No, that's not it necessarily -she may have just meant when you FINALLY get around to doing it, you seem to enjoy it.
Well now I must refrain from typing any random thoughts I would put down. As it is time to remove ALL of the books from the bookshelf, dust the shelf and all of the books and put them back in. This means that I must also go into decision making mode, as to what books I may donate or put in the box designated for books to sell, yes...the entrepreneurial word of Amazon Used Book Sales... ?? Talk soon, my brain needs me.
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