Sunday, May 15, 2005

Cisco & Rico

An unusual moment, Rico and Cisco together. They usually maintain the rules of their restraining orders and keep their distance. This picture does a good job of showing their gloss/glittered pelts. However, the eyes didn't come off well. Those are my boys. The reason they are together.... The past 4 days Rico (right) has been following me around talking to me. He also wakes me in the night and is quite persistent in doing so. Wasn't sure if there was something wrong, or if he was just being friendly. Sometimes he does become rather attached to me. Instinctively, I felt something was wrong. Tonight he came out of the room with his ear bleeding inside. He had scratched it to destruction. Must've been bothering him for days. (chronic wax buildup) So, I grabbed the ear medication and he stayed away -til I cornered him. (That's hard on me.) This picture is about 30 mins later. His ear is no longer red, and Cisco is checking him out to see if he's okay -cause well, medicine smells, and he had to know what the problem was. Wasn't like Rico was going to tell him, those two have zero communication skills.  Posted by Hello


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