Sunday, May 01, 2005


Do you know what this is? I have the Charles Chips can too. Did you get to experience this as a child?
I've heard some of the contractor's that drove for Charles Chips, had a quite enjoyable job, and the best income of their lifetime.
I remember the day of the week the Charles Chip truck would come around! We, like all of our neighbors, would sit our empty chip and cookies' cans outside as an indicator for the driver, that we needed a refill. He would come along, pull the emptys and replace them with fresh new cookies and chips.
It's hilarious to think of it now. Who in this health oriented society would have their chips and cookies delivered weekly ?! Then, again, given the option - I would choose Charles Chips to deliver to my house monthly... They were the best chips to date. My sister says the cookies were great as well, but I remember them (since I was 5 and 6 yrs old) to be like any other cookie. There were also Pretzels and Christmas candies.
I ordered a box of these collector tins, this past Christmas, and gave them out to those that I knew would enjoy. I couldn't get the chips cans, someone would always outbid me on Ebay. Then two days ago, a friend of mine, that grew up near Atlanta -found a chips can for me at Goodwill. $1.50 - aha... take that Ebay outbidders!
I need to clean it out and find a place for display. After I figure out what small things can be hidden in it, that will determine the room to which it will be directed. I could keep it in the kitchen, maybe keeping vitamins and other supplements carefully hidden while freeing up otherwise useful space? That's a possibility.
In the meantime, I mentioned above, I need to clean it out. A curiousity has risen.... Why? everytime I or any friend or family member finds a used tin -are they not clean? The cookes tins had cookie crumbles from what 1976?! This new/used tin still has chips in the bottom. It's baffling to me. Maybe, us, the type to have chips and cookies delivered, pass the cleaning buck to the next guy?
Regardless they are nice addition to the items I display as nostalgic and reflective of my childhood.  Posted by Hello


At 09 May, 2005 00:00 , Blogger Molly said...

Tonight, Gladys, Vernon and Elvis were having a conversation in the kitchen, and there sat the Charles Chips can !! The movie wasn't so good. I guess once the drugs and womanizing kicks in, the drama begins... to be continued.


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